Make sure you have installed the Nvidia driver 471.96 . You can also download the 470 driver, but it wont work if your Card was produced after MAY 2021.
Let your fan speed be at 100%
NVIDIA RTX 3060 LHR • 11 Sep 2021 • CrisDeMiner
Die Community entscheidet, welche Übertaktungsprofile gut sind. Wenn Sie die Profileinstellungen auf Ihrem Rig getestet haben und alles zu funktionieren scheint, klicken Sie auf „Useful“, andernfalls – klicken Sie auf „Useless“.
Make sure you have installed the Nvidia driver 471.96 . You can also download the 470 driver, but it wont work if your Card was produced after MAY 2021.
Let your fan speed be at 100%