Kryptex Brand Assets
Do not change or mix any of the logo elements:
Distorting, stretching, changing colors, changing fonts, adding or removing any parts of the logo, or adding additional visual effects is prohibited.

Blue (Dark Blue)
HEX: #036EE9
RGB: 3, 10, 233
CMYK: 90%, 48%, 0%, 9%
Blue (Middle Light Blue)
RGB: 74, 167, 25
CMYK: 71%, 35%, 0%, 9%
Blue (Light Blue)
RGB: 102, 207, 255
CMYK: 60%, 19%, 0%, 0%
Montserrat is the main font used in the identity. Default font weight is regular, but can also be medium or semibold. Free for commercial use.
Descargar: Google Fonts