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How to connect HiveOS to Kryptex XMR pool

24 november 2021 14:52

You can mine in Kryptex directly without an application, but keep in mind that you will NOT have access to the cool features of the application, created for convenience, clarity and maximum profitability. 💪

Install Kryptex Pro! It has a lot of great features:

  • Remote monitoring and control.
  • Remote tuning of the rig in real time.
  • Extended statistics with hash rate, temperature, power consumption.
  • Flexible algorithm settings
  • Notifications about issues, recent news and updates.

    Kryptex Pro is a serious tool

    Kryptex Pro is a serious tool

What to begin with?

First, choose the mining method.

You can mine to a Kryptex account directly, or you can mine to a pool. What is the difference?

To mine on a Kryptex account without the app, you will need the following:

  1. Register at Kryptex and confirm your email.
  2. Install and configure HiveOS.

Configs for the HiveOS:

  • Pool address: xmr.kryptex.network:7777
  • Wallet: your-email@gmail.com
  • Password: leave blank or enter x

your-email@gmail.com — your email, registered in Kryptex.

Setting up HiveOS

  1. Create the wallet for the XMR coin
  2. Enter the wallet address as follows your-email@gmail.com — your email, registered in Kryptex.
  3. Name the wallet as you wish and apply the settings

Let's create the Flight Sheet for your worker

  1. Choose the XMR coin
  2. Choose already created wallet from the list
  3. Skip pool settings and choose the option "Configure in miner"
  4. Choose the XMRig (new) miner and press "Setup Miner Config"

Please note that other miners could be unstable or will not work at all. We recommend XMRig (new) miner.

Let's configure the miner:

  1. Choose the hash algorithm RandomX (XMR)
  2. Enter wallet template %WAL%/%WORKER_NAME%
  3. Enter x in "Password" cell (or leave it blank)
  4. Enter Pool URL xmr.kryptex.network:7777
  5. Switch on the CPU mining option
  6. And apply your settings. That's it!

    At this step, you can add additional parameters for more efficient mining. All possible parameters could be found on the developer's page

    Let's start mining!

    1. Boot up the HiveOS from your bootable media, establish the network connection, enter your RIG_ID and RIG_PASSWORD, and wait until HiveOS will boot up
    2. Ones the OS loaded, enter your HiveOS personal cabinet, choose your Rig and Worker, and start the Flight Sheet pressing the "Rocket" button

    3. If you done everything right, you will see the statistics within 15-20 minutes.

All information concerning the mining rig statistics will be shown at HiveOS personal cabinet

Dit artikel is beschikbaar in andere talen:



Kryptex is een desktop applicatie. Download de app op je PC na het registreren.
