
  • В Криптексе 5 лет, 4 месяца


2 года, 3 месяца назад
  • Опыт использования Больше года
  • Плюсы: Cold, energy efficient, and powerful card.
  • Минусы: It has only 4 GB of VRAM, which is not really good for popular mining algorithms.
  • Комментарий: It doesn't require complicated setup and maintenance and is easy to overclock. It doesn't require much cooling — even modification with one fan can handle it. The Ethash algorithm (ETC, UBQ, EXP) gives about 16 MH\s with settings of Power limit 85%; Core Clock +150; Memory Clock +450, and fan speed 60-70%. The KawPow (RVN) algorithm gives about 10 MH\s with settings of Power limit 100%; Core Clock +150; Memory Clock +500, and Fan speed 70-90%. The Autolykos2 algorithm (ERGO) gives about 35 MH\s with settings of Power limit 90%; Core Clock +150; Memory Clock +550, and Fan speed 70-80%.


2 года, 3 месяца назад
  • Опыт использования Больше года
  • Плюсы: Old but powerful GPU. Suitable for mining and gaming.
  • Минусы: Because of the architecture of the graphics chip, the GPU loses performance with each epoch of the DAG file on Ethash algorithms (ETHW\ETC). Can consume up to 200 watts per 45 Mh\s ETHW\ETC. Without proper maintenance, it can get very hot. Performance is highly dependent on the memory manufacturer.
  • Комментарий: It is hard to find this GPU in good condition. The Ethash algorithm (ETHW, ETC, UBQ, EXP) gives about 45 MH\s (depending on DAG file size) with a Power limit of 90%; Core Clock +100; Memory Clock +500, fan speed 60-70%. The argument “-mt 1” or “-straps 1” will help to squeeze out some more hashrate. The KawPow (RVN) algorithm gives about 25 MH\s with an overclock setting of Power limit 95%; Core Clock +50; Memory Clock +650, and Fan speed 75-80%. The Autolykos2 algorithm (ERGO) gives about 85 MH\s with settings of Power limit 95%; Core Clock +50; Memory Clock +500; Fan speed 70-80%.


2 года, 3 месяца назад
  • Опыт использования Больше года
  • Плюсы: Old but powerful GPU. Suitable for gaming and mining.
  • Минусы: Because of the architecture of the graphics chip, the GPU loses performance with each epoch of the DAG file on Ethash algorithms (ETHW\ETC). Can consume up to 180 watts at 35 Mh\s ETHW\ETC. Without proper maintenance, it can get very hot. Performance is highly dependent on the memory manufacturer.
  • Комментарий: It is hard to find the graphic card in good condition. On the Ethash algorithm (ETHW, ETC, UBQ, EXP) it gives about 35 MH\s (depending on DAG file size) with a Power limit 80%; Core Clock +150; Memory Clock +600, fan speed 60-70%. The argument “-mt 1” or “-straps 1” will help to squeeze out some more hashrate. The KawPow (RVN) algorithm generates about 18 MH\s with a Power limit 100%; Core Clock +140; Memory Clock +500, and fan speed 75-80%. On the Autolykos2 algorithm (ERGO) it generates about 60 MH\s with overclocking settings of Power limit 100%; Core Clock +100; Memory Clock +400, Fan speed 70-80%.


2 года, 3 месяца назад
  • Опыт использования Больше года
  • Плюсы: Has 8 GB of VRAM
  • Минусы: Because of the graphics chip architecture, the GPU loses performance with each DAG file epoch on Ethash algorithms (ETHW\ETC). Absolutely not energy efficient, can consume up to 150 watts per 30 Mh\s ETHW\ETC. Without proper maintenance, it can get very hot. Performance depends a lot on the memory manufacturer.
  • Комментарий: Old architecture is already bad for mining, and it is hard to find in good condition. On the Ethash algorithm (ETHW, ETC, UBQ, EXP) it gives about 32 MH\s (depending on DAG file size) with a Power limit 75%; Core Clock +150; Memory Clock +450, fan speed 60-70%. Argument -mt 1 or -straps 1 will help to squeeze out some more hashrate. The KawPow (RVN) algorithm gives about 15 MH\s with the overclocking settings of Power limit 85%; Core Clock +100; Memory Clock +450, fan speeds 75-80%. On the Autolykos2 algorithm (ERGO) it gives about 55 MH\s with overclocking settings of Power limit 80%; Core Clock +100; Memory Clock +400, and Fan speed 60-70%.


2 года, 3 месяца назад
  • Опыт использования Больше года
  • Плюсы: Has 8 GB of VRAM
  • Минусы: Because of the graphics chip architecture, the GPU loses performance with each DAG file epoch on Ethash algorithms (ETHW\ETC). Not energy efficient at all, it consumes around 125-150 watts per 25 Mh\s ETHW\ETC. Without proper maintenance, it can get very hot. Performance depends a lot on the memory manufacturer.
  • Комментарий: I wouldn't buy this card for mining. Despite the 8 GB of memory, its time is coming to an end. The old architecture doesn't handle mining very well anymore. On the Ethash algorithm (ETHW, ETC, UBQ, EXP) it gives 22-28 MH\s (depending on DAG file size) with a Power limit of 80%; Core Clock +100; Memory Clock +300, the fan speed of 60-70%. The argument “-mt 1” or “-straps 1” will help to squeeze out some more hashrate. The KawPow (RVN) algorithm gives about 15 MH\s with the overclocking settings of a Power limit 85%; Core Clock +100; Memory Clock +450, and fan speed 75-80%. On the Autolykos2 algorithm (ERGO) it gives about 55 MH\s with overclocking settings of Power limit 80%; Core Clock +100; Memory Clock +400, and Fan speed around 60-70%.


2 года, 3 месяца назад
  • Опыт использования Больше года
  • Плюсы: Low price
  • Минусы: Because of the architecture of the graphics chip, the GPU loses performance with each epoch of the DAG file on Ethash algorithms (ETHW\ETC). Without proper maintenance, it can get very hot. Performance is highly dependent on the memory manufacturer.
  • Комментарий: I don't recommend buying the card for mining. The old architecture doesn't handle mining very well anymore. On the Ethash algorithm (ETC, UBQ, EXP) it gives around 20 MH\s (depending on DAG file size) with settings Power limit 75%; Core Clock +100; Memory Clock +500, fan speed 60-70%. The argument “-mt 1” or “-straps 1” will help to squeeze out some more hashrate. The KawPow (RVN) algorithm gives about 11 MH\s with an overclock setting of Power limit 90%; Core Clock +120; Memory Clock +500, and fan speed 75-80%. On the Autolykos2 algorithm (ERGO) about 50 MH\s with overclocking settings of Power limit 80%; Core Clock +100; Memory Clock +500, Fan speed 60-70%.


2 года, 3 месяца назад
  • Опыт использования Больше года
  • Плюсы: Low price
  • Минусы: Because of the architecture of the graphics chip, the GPU loses performance with each epoch of the DAG file on Ethash algorithms (ETC). Without proper maintenance, it can get very hot. Performance is highly dependent on the memory manufacturer. Only 5 Gb of memory.
  • Комментарий: I don't recommend buying the card for mining. The old architecture doesn't handle mining very well anymore. On the Ethash algorithm (ETC, UBQ, EXP) it gives around 20 MH\s (depending on DAG file size) with settings Power limit 75%; Core Clock +100; Memory Clock +500, fan speed 60-70%. The argument “-mt 1” or “-straps 1” will help to squeeze out some more hashrate. The KawPow (RVN) algorithm gives about 11 MH\s with an overclock setting of Power limit 90%; Core Clock +120; Memory Clock +500, and fan speed 75-80%. On the Autolykos2 algorithm (ERGO) about 50 MH\s with overclocking settings of Power limit 80%; Core Clock +100; Memory Clock +500, Fan speed 60-70%.


2 года, 3 месяца назад
  • Опыт использования Больше года
  • Плюсы: Low price, single slot, doesn't heat that much
  • Минусы: The GPU is old and not powerful. Due to the architecture of the graphics chip, the card loses performance with each epoch of the DAG file. Only 3 GB of memory, which means it supports very few algorithms and coins. The performance depends a lot on the memory manufacturer. I don't recommend buying it.
  • Комментарий: I don't recommend buying the card for mining. With the UBQ algorithm, EXP gives about 23 MH\s with overclocking of Power limit 70%; Core Clock +100; Memory Clock +600, fan speed 60-70%. On the Autolykos2 (ERGO) algorithm it gives about 35 MH\s with a Power limit of 100%; Core Clock +50; Memory Clock +600; Fan speed of 60-70%.


2 года, 3 месяца назад
  • Опыт использования Несколько месяцев
  • Плюсы: Low price, single slot
  • Минусы: It is an old and not powerful GPU. It has just 4 Gb of memory. Therefore it supports a few algorithms and coins. So you shouldn’t buy it.
  • Комментарий: I don’t recommend buying this GPU for mining. On the Ethash algorithm (ETC, UBQ, EXP), it mines 16MH/s with an overclocking Power Limit of 80%, a Memory Clock +900, and a fan speed of around 60-70%. On the algorithm KawPow (RVN), it gives around 6MH/s with overclocking Power limit of 85%; Core Clock +150; Memory Clock +800, and a Fan speed of around 75-80%. Finally, the Autolykos2 (ERGO) gives about 25MH/s with overclocking Power limit of 80%; Core Clock +150; Memory Clock +800, and a Fan speed of 60-70%.


2 года, 3 месяца назад
  • Опыт использования Больше года
  • Плюсы: HBM память, 2 биоса, старая, но ещё неплохо майнит.
  • Минусы: Карта ужасно настраивается и майнит под Windows, её поддержка закончена и нормальных драйверов под неё нет. Карту обязательно нужно прошивать, если собираетесь на ней майнить. довольно старая и низкопроизводительная. Всего 4 Гб памяти, а значит поддерживает очень мало алгоритмов и монет. Не рекомендую к покупке.
  • Комментарий: Самая старая видеокарта, которая ещё может майнить - конец 2015 года. На алгоритме Ethash (ETC, UBQ, EXP) выдаёт 26+ MH\s. На алгоритме KawPow (RVN) выдаёт около 14 MH\s. На алгоритме Autolykos2 (ERGO) выдаёт около 50 MH\s. Если такая карта есть под рукой, хочется долбаться с настройкой биоса, прошивками, переходом на Linux\Hive\Rave - можно майнить. Просто так покупать под майнинг точно смысла нет.

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